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After watching this tape you will totally understand why these are the absolute best tapes ever produced on Muay Thai Kickboxing. Training is broken down into core components that any Muay Thai fighter or instructor can use to help build an individual training plan; several ready-made, detailed training plans are also included for beginners, intermediate, and advanced practitioners. In Muay Thai Training Techniques, professional trainer Christoph Delp shows amateur as well as advanced fighters how to best utilize their training time, whether at home or in the gym, alone or with a partner or coach. Hands shifting and elbows. Идеально подходит для семьи!

Master Toddy - Muay Thai Training Secrets - Vol. Starting at a very early age, Toddy trained under the legendary Grand Master Ajarn Seri Ramaruud, Grand Master Ajarn Sanong Rakwanid, and Grand Master Ajarn Pansak Ratanaprasit who are renowned Masters in their own rights each having trained many World class Muay Thai fighters. In England, Master Toddy is known as the father of Muay Thai. His fighters were distinguished champions there and his promotions superb. Other WORLD CLASS FIGHTERS trained by Master Toddy are Kevin Ross, Ben Garcia, Kit Cope, Lisa King, and Bob Sapp! ELBOW DRILLS: These drills will help make your elbow smooth and sharp. MUAY THAI CLINCHING Toddy shows how the clinch should be done. ELBOW AND CLINCH TRAINING: A great drill for throwing the elbow and knee from the clinch. CLINCH COMBAT TRAINING: More Toddy on training the clinch. ELBOW AND KNEE DRILL: Another great drill for clinch fighting POSITIONING THE CLINCH: In this section, Toddy troubleshoots common clinch problems Релиз группы: Доп.

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